Amalgamation of Non-Aligned Lifeforms Starfleet


Last Revised:
Stardate 9127.39
Officer Name:
CHEER-IOS, Eacha 'Damn'
Quaker, Cracklin' Oat Bran, Haullin' Oats System
Chrystaline Spike; Ophelia d'Cleavage

Born to the inevitable chance union of Starfleet's most incompetent officer, and Starfleet's second most incompetent officer, it was a miracle that he survived conception, much less childbirth. But survive he did, and the galaxy has been a much brighter place since, or, at least the inside of his trousers has been. (It's kinda tight in there, too.) Eacha was heard to say, when he marched out of the womb, "I'll get even with them, no matter how long it takes! Damn, it's bright out here."

By the age of three, Eacha had mastered most of Starfleet's introductory texts, and, more amazingly, eared his Ph.D. in Gynecology shortly before his fourth birthday. Upon reaching puberty at the age of six, he was taken under the wing of Admiral Uberall S. Doichlan, who tried to teach him strategy and tactics. Eacha proved a quick learner at conventional tactics, including the best pick-up lines to us in Pop--Rocks, but was a failure in grasping the techniques of inventive and unexpected maneuvers. (Ubi was reported to say that "Cheer-ios' most original tactic was 'Look, it's the Goodrich Blimp!'" Ubi went on to claim that he thought, "Cheer-ios couldn't think past the end of his dick. But, in his case, that may be far enough to get him past most Klingfree Captains and into many of ours.")

After earning his commission at the age of ten, Admiral of the Fleet Niagara and Captain Poak Yr Hontas gave the boy wonder personal instruction, and within days, had enamored himself to most of the female staff at Starfleet Command. Admirals Niagara, Doichlan, Gumdrop, Furkids and DeRay pronounced him fit for duty, and was made available for command.

Cheer-ios won the Windfall Rank Lottery, where Starfleet raffles off commissions left open due to retirement and/or death, and became the youngest cadet to attain the rank of Vice-Amiga in Starfleet History. (Charges that Eacha bribed the female lottery official with her choice of  "$2 or unlimited gratuitous sexual favors"  were later dismissed, but never disproven.)


7207.39 Vice-Amiga, 8PM-1332  A.S.S. LOVE CANAL.
Cheer-ios distinguished himself almost immediately during battle in the Pug Wars, where, finding himself completely surrounded by raiders from the Ovarian Cystem, completely fooled the attackers by yelling, "Look! It's the Goodrich Blimp!" and immediately employed the Ramses Concealment Defense, rendering his scout ship impregnable.
8303.05 Amiga, ZAP-1998  A.S.S. WONDER WOMAN.
Cheer-ios raised no eyebrows and a few skirts during his probing of the P.A.N.T.Y. Line. His dubious effectiveness led indirectly to the development of the Porneaux class Patrol Ships.
8700.39 Rear Amiga, RAG-1906  A.S.S. SUZZANA.
Cheer-ios disturbed the galaxy by prematurely withdrawing from the A.N.A.L. probe into the whereabouts of the then-missing and presumed dead Science Officer of the BOOBYPRIZE, Mr. G. Spot, saying, "We'll never find that Spot if we keep going about this search bassackwards."
Promoted to Private Corporal Admiral for his development and implementation of the Smash and Serve Maneuver, enabling Starfleet to crush the Bjornn Balls in fierce but orgasmic competition.
"Keeping the peace as best we can."