The Amalgamation of Non-Aligned Lifeforms Starfleet

(The A.N.A.L. Starfleet)

"Keeping the peace as best we can."
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by Dr. Pascal Fortran

Dear Dr. Fortran,

If a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, how much is the bush worth? Also, is it true that a penny saved is a penny earned?

Cliff Hanger

Good question. I asked an eminent mathematician, Howzit Cohen, to provide the numerical theory for this ancient postulate.

let     b = bird
        h = hand
        x = bush    solve for x
       bh = 2bx
        h = 2x
      .5h = x

Thus we see substantiated proof that a bush is equal to one-half of a hands.

As to your second question, I think the S&L that offered those interest rates went out of business some time ago. At rates presently available, a penny saved isn't worth a stray neutrino.

Part 1 was based on an idea from Dr. Science.